In driving around Oregon you will see, on the side of the road, many kinds of wildflowers. One that is especially pretty is the everlasting pea. For the last four years, I have gathered seeds from these roadside plants in an attempt to grow some here on the ranch. (more…)
The tigerlilies have been in bloom here for the last week or so. (more…)
Elk in the Yard
These elk were in our yard, at the end of our driveway, about 80 yards from the house. I had been disappointed with similar shots taken of elk in basically the same scenario, because the zoom lens that came with my Pentax K10 (a fully automatic 18-55 lens) just didn’t zoom in enough to get […]
Hummingbird Math
Being in coastal Oregon, in the middle of nowhere, we get to see a lot of hummingbirds. We were doing some necessarily “fuzzy” (or maybe it was “feathery”) math the other day based on how much one hummingbird can eat in a day, and how much sugar-water nectar we are feeding them. (I took the […]
New Magazine – The Hard Truth
A man I’ve known and respected for a very long time, Bruce Wiseman, has launched a new online magazine, called The Hard Truth. (more…)
The columbine flowers are blooming here on the Chandler Ranch in southwestern Oregon. I like how this photo turned out – the black in the background makes it pop.
Garden – progress report – Just getting started, really
Thought I would take some photos and share with friends/family our raised bed garden. Seedlings, waiting to go into the ground as we get the beds completed. We got the seeds from Territorial Seed in Cottage Grove. (more…)

Storm Clouds
I love discovering photos left on my Pentax K10 Camera. Here’s one I took in late December of last year, after wandering around under some worrisome storm clouds. (more…)
Google hasn’t killed off SEO
Google hasn’t killed SEO dead – but they have killed off some of its illegitimate children…..
Cold walks and an ice garden
The walks I am taking in the morning now require that I bundle up to stay warm. It was 18 degrees (F) when I went out a couple of days ago. It requires long johns and insulated pants and shoes and gloves and hat, and even with all that it is a struggle to keep […]